Fenceline Clearance
Fenceline clearance
Trees leaning over from a neighbouring property may need the overhang pruned back. In this particular project in Hamilton Hill, Perth, the owners were sub-dividing and the trees would have caused unwanted leaf litter to the new property. We were happy to help them resolve this issue.
Fence line clearances are essential in maintaining a good boundary between you and your neighbours. The reason why this is so essential is because it prevents disputes between both parties. There are many cases involving disputes between neighbours because of unmaintained trees or fence lines that are crossing the border or are causing obstructions. These problems can be prevented by ensuring that your fence lines are maintained by professionals who are well versed in this field.
Here are some of the reasons why you should maintain your fence line:
- Keeps your neighbours happy
Keeping your neighbours happy may or may not be a priority for all of us. However, when neighbours send you a complaint about your fence line, is it wise to ignore it? We wouldn’t.
Often, these complaints are resolved with just a simple chat with your neighbour, but in some cases, things do go to court. While these types of disputes are not that common, it is still a good idea to prevent it from becoming a problem in the first place because neighbours are not easily replaceable in case a dispute does occur.
- Improve the looks (and value) of your property
In is not unheard of within the fields of property development and real estates that a well-maintained fence lines and landscapes can dramatically increase or decrease the value of your property. Appearance is essential when it comes to catching the eyes of potential buyers, and if they don’t like what they see, the value they place on your property could reduce dramatically.
By keeping it maintained, it shows to your friends, family, neighbours and even potential buyers that you take good care of your home which automatically creates a subconscious thought that the property was in good hands and was well-managed. Additionally, it can also create an impression of character based on how you treat your gardens.