At The Tree Firm we are kitted out with a complete set-up capable of fulfilling everything from the smallest, most intricate jobs to large scale tree removals. This equipment plays a major role in the efficiency and capability of how we operate at The Tree Firm and so we strive to continually upgrade it with the newest and the most up to date equipment on a regular basis. A few of the notable machinery items we utilise include:
- 13 Cubic Meter Tipper Truck: Great for tight access areas, with a high/low range gear box and a removable roof for craning logs and stumps in to the truck.
- Vermeer BC1000 XL: Tree Mulcher which with its compact size produces a finer mulch/wood chip size, fitted with various safety features to minimise the chance of workplace accidents.
- 14 Meter Snorkel Cherry Picker: With diagonal outriggers to get in to the tightest of drive ways and under carports it makes tree work easier and safer for the workers/operators.
- Daihatsu Duel Cab: This vehicle is the supply truck for the company, holding the fuel, spare jerry cans, chain saws, pruning tools, clean-up gear, climbing apparatus, tool kits and a comprehensive first aid kit.
- Rhyscorp 25hp Stump Humper: A versatile stump grinder allowing access to the tightest of spots! See Stump Grinding Perth under the Projects
- Bandit 1890XP will be arriving mid-July from America : This machine will consume logs of 20.5 inch by 26inch, with a whopping 213hp this machine is ideal for your land clearing, block clearing or block clearance projects.
Get In Touch
Call us now or leave a message below and one of The Tree Firm’s friendly Arborists will get back to you quicker than you can say “Timmm….Berrrrrrrr”!